برای ظهور، کار کوچکی کنیم

Jesus' death in the Quran

Jesus' death is mentioned once in the Quran, in a past and future sense. In the past sense it is said that the Jews did not kill or crucify Jesus, but it only appeared to them as if they had, and that in fact Jesus had been raised up by God . In the future sense it is said  that Jesus will not die until the end of time.

  The Mahdi will arrive with 'Isa (Jesus). Mahdi is very kind.

The day Dajjal is to be killed by Imam Mahdi (as), in the final era of time, that day is Nowruz. Even, according to some narrations, the day Adam (as) descended on Earth was on Nowruz. Nowruz means a new day in the history of mankind and a new state in the life of humankind.

Mahdi and Masih

این دعا معروف به دعاى شُبوّر [دعاى عطا و بخشش] است، که خواندن آن در ساعت آخر روز جمعه مستحب است و پوشیده نماند که این دعا از دعاهاى مشهور است و بیشتر علماى گذشته بر خواندن این دعا مواظبت مى نمودند.
در (مصباح) شیخ طوسى و (جمال الاسبوع) سیّد ابن طاووس و کتب کفعمى به سندهاى معتبر از جناب محمّد بن عثمان عمروى رضوان الله علیه که از نوّاب حضرت صاحب الامر بود از حضرت باقر علیه السّلام و امام صادق علیه السّلام روایت شده.
علاّمه مجلسى رحمه اللّه این دعا را همراه با شرح در کتاب (بحار) ذکر نموده است.

ارزش این دعا

حضرت صادق(ع) فرمود: «پس بگیرید این دعا را بر دشمنان خود از سایر مردم و این از عمیق مکنون علم و مخزون علم است. پس بخوانید آن را برای حاجت که به خدا دارید و ظاهر نکنید آن را برای سفها، ن، کودکان، ستم کاران و منافقان.»

حضرت امام محمدباقر(ع) فرمود که: «اگر مردمان می دانستند آن چه ما می دانیم از سوال ها که در این دعاست و بزرگی کار آن نزد خدای تعالی و زودی اجابت خدای تعالی، خواننده آن را با آن چه ذخیره نهاده است خدا از ثواب نیکو، وی را به سبب این دعا با یک دیگر با شمشیر جنگ کردندی و اگر سوگند خورم که اسم اعظم خدای تعالی در آن است، راست خورده باشم و این از علم نهانی است.»

Mahdi with his kind and full of passionate eyes looking at you.

Just thinking with kindly and continuously to Mahdi will change you and your ways,your tactics in front of your subjects and your personality among your religious atmosphere and your religion.

Thinking to Mahdi will become fuel for your soul.

Gazing at Mahdi will power your fingures to resque yourself from diseases of century,depression and abortion.

Gazing at his name, Mahdi, Aba Saleh wll be content of bluelights.

Iranian people are awaiting for coming of Mahdi.

European people should follow back american lifestyle and follow Mahdi's lifestyle with special fragrant.

Follow back American Life Style

Presently the mind of humankind is ready to understand, to learn, and to know, undoubtedly, that a lofty human will come to save them from the burden of oppression and tyranny.

Mahdi is among us and perhaps when you are in bazar you had seen him, but you dont recognize him.

He took his paces on your paces.

All of his constration is on you.

All of your sensations,He know.

Dont be afraid! He is very kind

Mahdi is happy fortunate soul for all the humanity.

Please relax and imagine an ultroviolet beautiful world with deep peace under the flag of islam.

Imagine nice men.They see the light of God.Mahdi show them that.Spiritual experiences and religiouse experiences is upcoming fast.

Smile will appear on your face because Mahdi knows how to handle the world.

Appreciate twists in the adventure of reaching of Mahdi

Limiting yourself in fear of what you can’t control will do you no good. Appreciate the adventure of not knowing what might happen next.

. Be proud of yourself that your leader is Mahdi

As you work through an earthshaking event, give yourself credit for every step forward. By acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, you regain trust in your ability to fix what you didn’t break. You empower yourself to take the next step. Besides, the situation is beating you up enough—don’t help it!

Earthshaking events will continue to happen in our lives; we have no control over that. But we do have the ability to control how we respond. While in the midst of such an event it may seem hopeless and unbeatable but you can do it.




There is no direct reference to the Mahdi in the Quran, only in the hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad's teachings collected after his death). In most traditions, the Mahdi will arrive with 'Isa (Jesus) to defeat Al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false Messiah", or Antichrist). Although the concept of a Mahdi is not an essential doctrine in Sunni Islam, it is popular among both Sunni and Shia Muslims. Both agree that he will rule over Muslims and establish justice; however, they differ extensively on his attributes and statusThe Mahdi (Arabic: ٱلْمَهْدِیّ‎: al-mahdīy, meaning "the guided one") is an eschatological redeemer of Islam who, according to some Islamic traditions, will appear and rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah, meaning "the Day of Resurrection") and rid the world of evil.

Early discussions about the identity of al-Mahdi by religious scholars can be traced back to the time after the Second Fitna. These discussions developed in different directions and were influenced by traditions (hadiths) attributed to Muhammad. In Umayyad times, scholars and traditionists not only differed on which caliph or rebel leader should be designated as Mahdi, but also on whether the Mahdi is a messianic figure and if signs and predictions of his time have been satisfied.[5] By the time of the Abbasid Revolution in the year 750, Mahdi was already a known concept. Evidence shows that the first Abbasid caliph As-Saffah assumed the title of "the Mahdi" for himself.

우리가 구속을 기다리라는 말을했을 때, 그것은 최종 구속 [이맘 마디 (Imam Mahdi)의 재연]만을 말하는 것이 아닙니다. 대신, 막 다른 골목을 열 수 있습니다. 모든 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. 이것이 구원의 진정한 의미입니다 : 구원. 기다림으로부터 배우는 무슬림은 구속을 배우고 인간의 삶에는 열 수없는 막 다른 곳이 없다고 가르친다. 또는 인간은 소망을 잃고 소망이 없어 질 것이라는 구실로 행동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 못! 인간의 삶의 마지막 단계에서 수많은 압제적이고 무자비한 행동에 대항하여 구속의 태양이 떠오를 것입니다. 그러면 일상의 막 다른 골목에서 구속이 예상됩니다. 이것이 모든 인간에게 희망의 교훈입니다. 이것이 참으로 기다리는 것이 모든 인간에게 제공되는 교훈입니다. 따라서 구속을 기다리는 것이 최선의 행동으로 간주됩니다.


What are the epitomes of awaiting salvation?

When we are told to await redemption, it does not only refer to the final redemption [reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)]. Instead, it means that any dead-end can be opened; any problem can be resolved. This is the true meaning of redemption: salvage. Learning from awaiting, a Muslim is taught redemption and is taught that there is no dead-end in human life which cannot be opened; or that humans can lose hope and stop acting on the pretext that it would be useless. Never! When at the final stage of human life, against the myriad of oppressive and merciless actions, the sun of redemption will rise, then, in daily dead-ends of life, redemption is expected, too. This is the lesson of hope for all humans; this is the lesson that true awaiting offers to all the humans. Thus, awaiting redemption is regarded as the best of actions.

나는 불의와 폭정으로 가득 찬 것처럼 정의로 지구를 채울 사람입니다.

 Awaiting means expecting an event that will definitely happen. This is the meaning of awaiting. Awaiting means that this future is definite. This is especially true if we are awaiting a living and primed entity.

 We are not awaiting someone who has not been born yet. No, we are awaiting someone who exists and is present among us. There are certain narrations according to which people can see him, but they do not recognize him. In certain narrations, he has been likened to Prophet Joseph whose brothers used to see him. He was present among his brothers and he used to sit beside them, but they could not recognize him. It is such a clear and motivating truth. This facilitates awaiting. Humanity needs this awaiting and the Islamic Ummah needs it even more. This waiting puts responsibilities on the shoulders of human beings.

When he looks at me

I can touch the sky

I know that he's alive


When he blesses the day

I just drift away

All my worries change

I'm glad that he's alive


محل تبلیغات شما
محل تبلیغات شما محل تبلیغات شما

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98music02 تو اومدی و شدی همه زندگیم مواجهه امام زمان عج تفريحي و سرگرمي عمران و معماری بهترین دستگاه های واترجت malaysiarlyo3 cant آموزش کامپیوتر